About DiploConsult
DiploConsult is a group of former senior diplomats who,
throughout their long careers in the German diplomatic service,
have gained detailed knowledge and contacts in a vast range of fields.
Our hallmark is outstanding professional competence,
inter-cultural experience and high motivation.
Global Consulting
All our members have career-long professional experience in foreign countries. They have built up useful networks and have intimate knowledge of politics and culture in the countries and international organizations in which they have worked. We complement the service of the Foreign Office.
Take advantage of our worldwide connections and contacts for your own on-site networking
DiploConsult’s members act independently and on the basis of their personal assessments. They provide services in their own name, on their own account, and at their own responsibility.
What makes us unique is our potent combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience in international affairs. By pooling the expertise and contacts of our members, we can offer an exceptionally broad range of services, which enables us to assist you in your projects in an ideal way – do not hesitate to contact us!
- Professional expertise in political and public affairs both at home and abroad
- Access to relevant persons.
- Independent assessment
- Pooled resources
We carry out projects in Germany and abroad.
We support your business activities in the conceptual and preparatory stage, accompany the implementation and evaluation of your undertakings, and are at your disposal for improving projects already under way.
We also write descriptive and analytical articles for newspapers which do not have foreign correspondents in the country.
Did you ever feel after making an investment abroad that you should have asked for expert advice earlier? Many businessmen turn to embassies and the Foreign Office only when the damage has been done. In order to avoid this, we offer you concomitant consultancy of a lasting nature on all of your foreign investments.
- Security policy, arms control and disarmament, development aid policy, education issues and political Islam
- Intercultural dialogue, background information on the situation in the countries of the “arc of crisis” in the Near and Middle East and Northern Arica, migration issues
- Media, public relations, press work
- International energy policy, OSCE, UNESCO, world heritage
- Conflict prevention, conflict management and conflict solution, negotiations in special situations
- Questions of international law, law of the sea, international tax law
- Conference interpreting, language service (structure, composition of crews)
- Tropical medicine, occupational medicine
Cruise lecture: political and historical educational holiday
With the help of one of our consultants, a German cruise company has developed a new type of holiday: “The political and historical educational voyage”.
Diplomatic College
The approx. 9-month on-the-job programme offers young diplomats from Europe, Central Asia, and the Southern Caucasus region the opportunity to experience Germany from a variety of perspectives.
Foreign policy commentaries on the radio
Members of DiploConsult comment on foreign policy developments on the radio
Regions and themes
Our consultants have lived in many countries for several years and have specialist knowledge in different fields. You find in them responsible, experienced and considerate partners, who combine theory and practice in international affairs with useful contacts and routine in public appearance.

Bernd Braun (Kenia, Sudan)
Friedrich W. Catoir
Frank Meyke (Sambia)
Hans Peter Schiff
Dr. Rainald Steck
Dr. Claas Dieter Knoop
Michael Geier (Western Africa)
Friedrich Catoir (Maghreb)
Bernd Erbel
Dr. Michael Glotzbach (Saudi Arabia)
Dr. Gunter Mulack
Bernd Mützelburg

Bernd Mützelburg (Afghanistan/Pakistan/India)
Dr. Stefan Weckbach (India)
Dr.Gunter Mulack
Frank Meyke
Dr. Christoph Müller

Bernd Braun
Ortwin Hennig (Russia/Southern Caucasus)
Doris Hertrampf (Tadschikistan)
Dr. Albrecht von der Heyden
Dr. Gunter Mulack (Zentralasien)
Reiner Morell (Central Asia/ Southern Caucasus)
Bernd Mützelburg (Russia)
Rainer Schlageter (Kasachstan)
Dietmar Stüdemann

Dr. Bernd Fischer (Japan)
Pius Alexander Fischer (South/North-east Asia)
Michael Geier (Korea)
Doris Hertrampf (South- and North Korea)
Friedrich Ludwig Löhr (North Korea)
Dr. Christoph Müller
Dr. Albrecht von der Heyden

Prot von Kunow (Brazil)
Michael Geier
Dr. Christoph Müller
Dr. Stefan Weckbach

Ulrich Brandenburg
Bernd Braun
Friedrich Catoir (France)
Michael Geier (Italia)
Dr. Michael Glotzbach (France)
Dr. Claas Dieter Knoop
Hans Peter Schiff
Folkmar Stoecker (Italia)
Dr. Wolfgang Schultheiß (Greece)
Dietmar Stüdemann (Zentraleuropa)
Dr. Stefan Weckbach

Dr. Bernd Fischer, Michael Geier
Ortwin Hennig, Doris Hertrampf
Dr. Albrecht von der Heyden
Prot von Kunow, Frank Meyke
Reiner Morell, Dr. Gunter Mulack
Dr. Christoph Müller, Bernd Mützelburg
Dr. Rainald Steck
Dr. Wolfgang Schultheiß
Folkmar Stoecker
Dietmar Stüdemann, Friedrich Löhr
Dr. Stefan Weckbach, Rainer Schlageter
Dr. Bernd Fischer, Pius Alexander Fischer
Ortwin Hennig, Dr. Rainald Steck
Dr. Albrecht von der Heyden
Reiner Morell, Dr. Gunter Mulack
Dr. Christoph Müller, Bernd Mützelburg
Folkmar Stoecker
Dietmar Stüdemann
Dr. Stefan Weckbach
Bernhard von der Planitz
Ulrich Brandenburg, Friedrich Catoir
Bernd Erbel, Dr. Bernd Fischer
Ortwin Hennig, Doris Hertrampf
Dr. Albrecht von der Heyden
Dr. Claas Dieter Knoop, Reiner Morell
Dr. Gunter von Laer, Dr. Rainald Steck
Dr. Stefan Weckbach, Friedrich Ludwig Löhr
Frank Meyke, Dr. Wolfgang Schultheiß
Dr. Gunter Mulack, Hans Peter Schiff
Bernd Mützelburg, Dr. Christoph Müller
Bernhard von der Planitz
Rainald Roesch

Bernd Braun
Friedrich Catoir
Dr. Bernd Fischer
Ortwin Hennig
Dr. Albrecht von der Heyden
Dr. Claas Knoop
Friedrich Ludwig Löhr
Hans Peter Schiff
Dr. Wolfgang Schultheiß
Dr. Rainald Steck
Folkmar Stoecker
Dr. Stefan Weckbach

Dr. Michael Glotzbach
Doris Hertrampf
Bernhard von der Planitz
Dr. Wolfgang Schultheiß
Dr. Rainald Steck
Hans-Joachim Weber

Julius Bobinger
Bernd Braun
Bernd Erbel
Dr. Michael Glotzbach
Friedrich Prot von Kunow
Rainald Roesch
Hans Peter Schiff
Folkmar Stoecker

Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Adt, Stüdemann)
Entwicklungspolitik (Mulack)
Interkultureller Dialog (Mulack, Weckbach)(Bildungsfragen, politischer Islam (Mulack))
Tropenmedizin, Betriebsmedizin (von Laer)
Sprachendienst (Siebourg)
Energiepolitik (Bobinger, Morell)
Internationale Rechtsfragen (Geier, Catoir, Müller)
(Internationales Seerecht, internationales Steuererrecht (Catoir))
Politische Analyse (Bildungsfragen, politischer Islam (Mulack))
(Sicherheitspolitik, Rüstungskontrolle, OSZE (Hennig))
Drakestraße 36
12205 Berlin
Tel. 0049 (0) 30-54775214
Mobil 0049 (0) 176-38321389