Email: michael.geiger@diploconsult.de
Michael Geier
Legal studies
- Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Kingston
- Sub-Sahara Africa (Mozambique, Burkina Faso)
- Tunisia
- Republic of Korea
- Bulgaria
- Negotiations in sensitive situations
- International law
Ambassador (rtd.) in German Foreign Service from 1973 to 2009.
Senior posts in the German Diplomatic Service
- Head of Staff to Otto Graf Lambsdorff during the “Slave Labour Negotiations” between Germany, the US Government, Eastern European Government representatives and US class action lawyers (1999-2002)
- Ambassador in Seoul (2003-2006)
- Ambassador in Sofia (2006-2009)
Languages English, French, Portuguese, Italian
Main focus of consultancy
- Central and South America
- Sub-Sahara Africa
- North Africa (Tunisia)
- Southeast Europe (Bulgaria)
- East Asia (Republic of Korea)
- Political analyses
- International law
- Concomitant business consultancy
- Speeches