Email: wolfgang.schultheiss@diploconsult.de
Dr. Wolfgang Schultheiß
Lawyer, doctorate in law (“Environmental protection and the freedom of the seas”), LL.M. (University of Virginia), German Foreign Service from 1974 to 2010
Senior posts in the German diplomatic service
- Head of Division for Northern and Southern Europe at the Federal Foreign Office, Deputy Head of the ministry’s Directorate-General for Central Services with responsibility for human resources (1996-2001)
- Head of the Foreign Affairs Department in the Federal President’s Office (2001-2005, Presidents Rau and Köhler)
- Ambassador in Santo Domingo (1986-89), minister at the embassy in Copenhagen (1992-96), ambassador in Athens (2005-2010)
Current activities
- Author and editor
- Lecturing activities
- Protocol training
- Chairman of DiploConsult
Languages: English, French, Danish, Spanish
Main focus of consultancy
- Europe (Greece)
- Protocol, organization of events, training of protocol officers
- Administration: organization and personnel management
- Training of public executive staff abroad
- Speeches and lectures
- “How to Behave. Protocol and Etiquette in Society, in Business, and at Home” Münster 2019
- “Western Indian Ocean – Diplomatic Training Initiative” in fall 2015, organization of two-week training seminars of a team of DiploConsult members for top-level executives in key ministries in Madagascar (Catoir, Steck Weber) and Mauritius (Adt, von der Heyden, Knoop)
- Protocol training for the staff of the OSCE Centre in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, fall 2014
- Protocol training for the Senate of Cambodia, for SES, Phnom Penh, fall 2013
- Workshop “Labour migration” at the conference of family-owned businesses, Otto Beisheim School of Management, April 2014
- “Exaggerations. Annotations on The Office and its Past”, Münster, 2ndedition 2014. Critical commentary on the report of the “Independent Commission of Historians” which was commissioned with examining the role of the Foreign Service in the Third Reich and the way in which the Foreign Office dealt with its past after 1945.
- “The crisis in Greece”, Frankfurt 2015 (co-editor together with Dieter Klemm)
- “Milestones in German-Greek relations”, Münster 2010 (co-editor together with Evangelos Chrysos)
- “The future of religions”, Frankfurt 2003 (editor)
Positions and roles
Member of the Board of Trustees of the GdF-Knapp Foundation